A Conservative Republican Common-Sense Outsider Ready to Lead for Northeast Nebraska

Meet Jeanne

Deep Conservative Nebraska Roots

Jeanne Reigle has deep roots as a conservative Nebraskan. She married the love of her life and best friend, John, in 1982. Together, alongside his parents, they expanded the Reigle family farming and cattle feeding operation. In the early 2000s, she and John bought the family operation, renamed it the Reigle Cattle Company, and grew the operation into one of the most successful ag operations in Northeast Nebraska. Their youngest son and wife are third generation working with Reigle Cattle Co.

Celebrating more than forty years of marriage, Jeanne and John have four children and nine grandchildren. Jeanne has always been a strong common-sense conservative because that’s how she was raised, lived her life, and raised her family.

Jeanne leads by her conservative principles: lower taxes, less government and fiscal responsibility with a focus on results. Her faith promotes strong families and strong communities. As our next State Senator, Jeanne will build relationships to get things done for our district, rural communities, and our state.

Jeanne is running for the Nebraska Legislature because we need a true conservative in Lincoln that will represent our best interests!

  • “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

    -President Ronald Reagan


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